
  • This is Giovanna Zoran Yunes Jimenez

    This page exists for the sole purpose of warning other men of this person. I don’t want you to waste time and money like I did.

    If you do not use protection she will get you sick. Demand she gives you recent blood test results and you are ok with getting what she has. I can no longer donate blood anymore because of her.

    You are here because something is weird and you are looking to confirm your gut feeling. It is not good for your mental health and overall well-being with this human being.

    I am not mad, angry, or vengeful. I am disappointed for losing 3 years of my life. Time is a finite resource—the money I can easily make back. Time I will never get back.

    It doesn’t matter how much give or provide, when your partner has BPD or NPD then it doesn’t matter, we are no more or less than a shoe, car, or wallet to them.

    In October of 2021, I was right where you are, doubting my judgment and looking for red flags. The problem is, that Giovanna does a great job deleting her past. Because her past is horrible, she has multiple failed engagements and one failed marriage. She would even get very violent if you asked her about her past. At best she will lie about how the Cancun or Italian guy “cheated” but seeing how she was using Instagram, guarantee she was the one who “cheated”.

    When her mother passed away in 2022 and she was getting therapy she started to weaponize the therapy and her emotions to attack me.

    Why did I stay? I thought she changed because of the loss of her mother and I tried to do my best but I am not a doctor and she lied anyways. I felt guilty for flying her out of Mexico and her mother dying. Her lack of empathy towards her mother’s loss was horrible. It made me realize I was with a monster.

    When I met her she was working 40 hours a week and traveling 1.5 hours Monday through Friday for $160 a week. I hired her between May 2022 to January 2024 and paid her about 10% more for about 5-6 hours of work a week. She was a horrible employee who would do a mediocre job and it affected my business to the point I had to let her get a “better” job in her “career”. We would constantly challenge company protocols, and tell me how these rules that worked for 8 to 10 years with other employees were bad…

    She would purposely misspell the client’s name during the initial inquiries and provide late responses which caused my business to lose about 10 to 15 clients a year. But if someone misspelled her name. WATCHOUT she would flip her shit…. like calling her GIA instead of GIO.

    I realized about 1 year into the relationship that anything of value I would show her. She would tell me to sell it. I have an MTG collection that is over $100k, also I have a crypto wallet with a couple of dozen Ethereum coins and several tubes of gold coins. I know if she had access to them, they would have been stolen or sold off.

    I own a 94 Toyota Supra MKIV with 5400 miles, in 2020 I had it inspected and it was declared worth around $132K. I’ve had it since I was 18. Anytime the subject came up, her response was to sell it. The Supra is supposed to be for my nephew’s college funds. Not because my narcissistic wants more expandable cash to waste on name-brand sweatshop crap.

    If you look at her work history she is lying about her current and last job as she only worked at each for around a year. She has a hard time keeping consistent work because they usually find someone who will support them.

    It is such a shame, that I had the misfortune of meeting Gio in July 2021, and regret allowing her into my life as it turned out a waste of my time and resources. I could have focused all that time on building an addition to my house and expanding my property portfolio. Instead, I wasted that time on someone who has mental issues and will steal from you after you marry her.

    If you pay attention and keep decent notes. You can easily catch her lies. You want to get out before she will try to discard you. The discard phase was horrible as she would attack everything you ever told her. From doubts to fears, she will attack you with them and make you feel pathetic.

    Within 45 days of getting married, she started talking about babies(not wanting kids for the 3 years we were engaged), losing her job(which I said she would have to get sooner or later), and demanding an allowance like she is some little girl.

    I realized I was with a narcissist and I had to get out of the marriage. She took over $5k from our honeymoon money and money I sent towards a house in La Paz and she moved to Dubai because she thinks her life is a movie and she is the main character. Texts below

    I was forced to file a criminal complaint against her in the Massachusetts court system. I am waiting on my court date for the felony complaint.

    Between 2022 and 2024, we traveled on 9 vacations in Mexico, two F1 Races in the USA, and half a dozen weekend getaways. It doesn’t matter if you provide for her. She will tell you it wasn’t anything. She ignores the past because her past is bad.

    You can’t fix her and therapy won’t work. Just move on before you get invested. No matter what you do, she will find an excuse to not be accountable and blame you for everything that goes wrong. I lost tens of thousands, no longer have clean blood and I am super ashamed.